In 1997 Warner Brothers released Batman & Robin the 3rd installment in their Batman series, the villains were Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy played my Uma Thurman. I based my version of the character on a combination of the cartoon and movie looks. I think it was a success and to my surprise quite of few people knew that I was going for Poison Ivy. Kudos to them!
I only used my Dr. Dima’s Cosminology Minacles clinical mineral coverage to create this look.
I prepped my face with my CosmicRay Shield and Galactic Glove then followed with AstroThena mineral foundation.
I primed my eye with my KharmicKoncealer and then applied AstroMagic eye shadow all over my lid.
I used the eye liner AstroJade to add drama to my look by creating a large arch over my eye brow, I wet my brush removed the excess water and dipped it into my AstroJade compact I was then able to blend the color on my skin and apply as many layers as needed to create the depth that I wanted. It looked as though it was painted on my skin and I dusted just a little of the AstroMagic on top.
I defined the arch with eye liner AstroRain, and then to add a little sullenness to my eyes I applied it under my eyes.
I dusted some AstroBerry on the cheeks and applied AstroFaith to the lips.
I was now all set for a very fun and beautiful Halloween.
Oh and yes those are my Latisse lashes that you see, no j/k the only thing on face not from Cosminology was the green lashes that I found at a Halloween store.
I was very thankful that I was able to create this look with the products I already had and that they were all mineral based. I had a lot on to create the drama I was going for and knowing that they weren’t going to break me out put me at ease. I also easily removed my face with Global Debris Remover, it got me cosmically naked.
I hope you enjoy the look.
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